Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Creation & Recreation of thoughts

Thought a quiet simple term to address. A short sweet and as simple as its spell it seems.But while you actually think, this thought takes lot of your time to get created
And once they are created, they get recreated always, in fact for entire life in the same situation or some where near by related. .
Generally thought s come by your experiences, and what you see around, but some times they go wired you go on continuously thinking what you don't want to, you don't wish too.. still you think.
Here comes the situation of control, controlling your mind, which we humans always fail to do.

When, most of people are unsuccessful they blame situations or try to put the blame on everything else on this planet, except themselves, Now that's an human tendency no body could be blamed for that. Even i do same in most of the situations.
Any ways lets get to the point, so the reason behind being their unsuccessful situation is they themselves, in those situations a humans mind is controlling entire human, which actually shouldnt be the case.

A Person who is willing to grow should be able to control his mind, and heart.. one should direct mind n heart to choose a way.. not to follow them.

And these sitiuations aarise, when some situations start bothering one self.
When we start thinking that things are not going my ways, or people are not behaving as they should, you yourself are actually making them do so, by changing your thinking, by changing your thinking's direction you guide people to follow it and get hurt n upset.

The only thing can make situation right is your own control over mind n specially over heart.

Here i sign off for now.. will soon be here with some thing new. 

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